Charlotte Perkins Gilman's “The Yellow Wall-paper” and the History of Its Publication and Reception
Julie Bates Dock
Not Available
Publisher to the Decadents
James G Univ of Wisconsin Nelson
Everyday Life in the German Book Trade
Pamela E none Selwyn
Imaging the Early Medieval Bible
John Williams
The Rise of Sinclair Lewis, 1920–1930
James M Hutchisson
Conrad Richter
David R Lafayette College Johnson
As Ever Yours
Maxwell E Perkins and 2 more
Licensing Loyalty
Jane McLeod
The House of Blackwood
David Finkelstein
Biography of a Book
Paul Eggert
Into Print
Charles Yale Walton
How Books Came to America
John Assistant Professor and 1 more
The First White House Library
Catherine M Parisian
A Bibliographical Description of Books and Pamphlets of American Verse Printed from 1610 Through 1820
Roger E Stoddard
Making the Archives Talk
James L W West III
Books and Religious Devotion
Allan F Westphall
William Parks
A Franklin Parks
Lydia Bailey
Karen Houghton Library Nipps
Textuality and Knowledge
Peter Emeritus Professor and 1 more
An Empire of Print
Steven Carl Providence College Smith
The Politics of the Book
Filipe Carreira da Silva and 1 more
Notes on Footnotes
Melvyn Professor Emeritus New
Publishing Plates
Jeffrey Makala